Wednesday, June 11, 2014

LPs are done, just not typed up. comp issues last night. I can type up without it taking long, or I can scan and send it once I get home. Forgot that I didn't have access to a scanner this morning and so didn't scan it prior to leaving. 

Working on reflections from teaching. I know what part of my issue is, and that is the slow start. My kids take about 20 minutes to re-engage, and switch over to my class room, which clearly isn't acceptable. Not for me to allow, and not for them to disengage that way.
I'm considering alternatives as to change entry routine. I need to do something to get their blood moving and their brains re-engaged. The discussion and the note taking picked up and the pace and readings picked up about 5 minutes after you and Keisha departed. They were able to get through the text, and meet objectives (though not all) before lunch, but we still need to START the harder text tomorrow because we lagged the first half of the class which delayed starting the other text.
I'm reconsidering the "normal" entry routine, because I feel our transition from Miranda to me, the kids are already dragging from overload. Our site coordinator told Katie Marshall and me yesterday that part of it is they are hungry and low on fuel at that point - I had asked about treats/food being used/brought in as rewards...
Some of that sounds like an excuse, but I know there is sound neural science behind it as well... The flip side is, that would in no way be and everyday thing, and I need them engaged every. single. day.
I'm re-evaluating a lot of the routine parts right now to try to inject more energy into them shy of the good morning 100% but I think my brain is needing fuel at this point too.
I AM brainstorming ideas to bring them to our debriefing whenever that is scheduled, since I know that is an issue; today took longer than yesterday to engage and I'm trying to figure out if they are testing me and I'm letting it happen, or if I'm not bringing enough pump to the table.

Murphy's law as to why they didn't engage till after my observation was over?

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